
Monday, July 26, 2010

Fathers Can Support Breastfeeding Too

We all know that breastfeeding is good for the mother and the baby. But how about the father? Often times, fathers will feel left out.

Don't fret. Fathers have their own roles in breastfeeding.

Now, how can fathers be in the family breastfeeding team? There are 7 ways fathers can support breastfeeding according to Alexis Ridrigo from Keep Abreast.

And this is how my husband supports breastfeeding (according to the list).

1. He supported her natural birthplan :

The husband failed to be there when i delivered - the first, second and also the third time (despite me giving birth in the private hospital so that he could stay and accompany me.)

But nevermind lah.

He let me choose the hospital i wanted to go, the OB-GYN and whatever decision in regards of the birthplan.


2. He allowed her to room in with her babies.

Me,  being a bad mother asked the nurses to take care of my baby while i tried to get some sleep after a long night. I managed to breastfeed my baby after birth anyway. And when i was home for confinement, he let me be with the baby all time.

3. He took over caring for their older children

While i be with the baby in the same room, the husband took care of the older kids. And everytime when i need to sleep early, or when i was down with migraine, or whenever i just am plain lazy.

4. He woke up in the middle of the night to take care of the baby

He doesn't have to do this. I change the kids diapers before i go to sleep.

Whenever Sawda is hungry, all she has to do is to latch on my breast.

And Sawda hardly woke up at night for other purpose other than to be breastfed. She is really a gift from heaven.

But i am sure, if Sawda ever needs attention in the middle of the night, he will be able to take care of her.

5. He is proud of her breastfeeding in the public

He has never restricts me from breastfeeding in the public, but know that i need to make sure that my bare areas are not shown.

6. He never questioned her purchase on breastfeeding supplies and gadgets

He has never questioned any of the purchases. And brought me to any shops to get my breastfeeding stuffs. Near or far.

7. He promotes breastfeeding to everyone he knows.

Oh, there was once, he suggested something on breastfeeding to Muslimat PAS Melaka during the PAS meeting.

And he also suggested me to start the (Melaka) Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group (which we already have now, even though i did not initiated the support group) , create a blog solely dedicated on breastfeeding issues (this blog), let me spent my weekend to attend the lactation training, and many more.

He also tells his friend that his kids are breastfed babies.

He encourages his female friends to breastfeed their babies.

All in all, fathers and husbands should also support breastfeeding.

Read here for more breastfeeding benefits for fathers.


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